Summer Circus

After the fun success of the 1st Major Chumleigh’s Circus, what was there to do but travel California during the summer of 1972?

A typical show opened with band music, followed, to the best of Billiam’s recollection:

Major Chumleigh’s Amazing Traveling Circus and Combined Pandemonium Shadow Show

opening act is in position atop double hanging trapeze, all ready to wave and smile for the next ten minutes.  Then, the main flaps are opened, ticket takers take tickets. Audience comes in
Jeffrey plays Joplin etc. on piano. Clowns stroll and work audience. Simple juggling, very basic meet and greet.

Band starts music…..

Does someone intro Chumleigh?

Chumleigh -welcome and intro first act:

Flying Linguini’s, (Ann and Little Nancy) hanging trapeze. Band plays Waltzes.

Sandey and Billy, of Bagello Family of Clowns do mime rope bit. Band plays Felonious Monk tune, ‘”Well You Needn’t”
Chumleigh intros and gets chased off by

Bonzo the World’s Most Ferocious Gorilla- Originally Laura later Louis

Bonzo intros fire eating(?):

The Flaming Zuccini- fire eating by Michael Mielnick

Hal plays fiddle behind his back. “Pop Goes the Weasle”

Chumleigh Emcee
The Flying Fettucini- Acrobatics by David Landau

Chumleign Intros
Bagello Family of Clowns- “Ha!”

Bagllo Clown solos:

Lolib (Billy) mime box bit.

Beepo (Steve) Spot the Dog

Twillie (Sandey) mime weightlifter

Glucko: (Jeff) ?

Flying Fettucini , Leap of Death (David. Tom second half of season)

Falafel Siren of the East (Denise) and Potato Chips- Belly Dance with special guest Rosy Boa Constrictor

Clown Melodrama (Jeff, Sandey, Billy, Nancy & Ann, Steve?)

Chumleigh the Human Anvil (Michael)- the penultimate, Bed of Nails then the final finale:
Brick breaking!!!!

final bow? Band plays exit music.  Another perfect day winds to a close.


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